You are using an earlier version of Dynamics.dic than the one that’s currently installed on the network!!
I had both GP 9.0 and GP10.0 installed on the same machine for testing purposes, by mistake I have logged in by using GP 10.0 into the ODBC that pointed to GP 9.0 database, it returned an error that the database need to be upgraded, which is fair.
I returned to GP 9.0 and guess what I got? You are using an earlier version of Dynamics.dic than the one that’s currently installed on the network!!
It’s a wired problem, since GP should not perform any operations on the database without using GP utilities! I checked the partner source for any help and searched the internet with no success.
Therefore I had to trace GP database operations step by step to check where it stuck, I found it changing table “DU000020” in DYNAMICS database and updates the first line that indicates product ID “0” which is the Dynamics dictionary and changes its version Major and Version Build
Run the following script to update the version:
UPDATE DU000020 SET VersionMajor = (Select VersionMajor From DU000020 Where PRODID = 309 AND CompanyID = -32767), VersionBuild = (Select VersionBuild From DU000020 Where PRODID = 309 AND CompanyID = -32767) WHERE PRODID = 0 AND CompanyID = -32767
Have Fun