Friday, November 14, 2014

Dynamics GP Purchasing - Request for Quotations module

Thinking about this subject, can’t find a company who does not follow the standards in their procurement process, everyone brings 3 quotations from 3 different suppliers and selects the best fit from requirements and pricing!

I found this process on Connect requested since 2010 with very limited votes! I would kindly ask for your help in voting and getting this scheduled soon, below the description of the product suggestion:

I think Dynamics GP is one of the few applications in the ERP world that does not have the request for quotation functionality, the process is like this: - RFQ (enter details for items willing to purchase) - Select one or more vendors and the system should print separate RFQ for each (and prepare the system to receive responses from each) - Receive quotes from Vendors and update on system - Compare vendor’s prices against same lines in RFQ - transfer one of the quotes to Purchase order Note: The is the simplest cycle possible and there are many other advanced consideration that can be added later on like: - Issuing PO against more than one vendor quote for same RFQ - Ability to update quotation with new discounts and data maintaining original information and changes (quote version control). - Ability to make the budget commitment from RFQ point rather than PO point (and this will be major advance for the application as most of the people in business or government would like to reserve budget before knowing the vendor and not after like it is currently acquiring in GP) - Specify a minimum number of quotations if the RFQ estimated price is more than a specific value. - Include in GP workflow if possible - Link to specific one or more requisitions created in Business Portal.

Below the link for the connect article:

Happy voting!


Mohammad R. Daoud MVP - MCT
+962 - 79 - 999 65 85

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